Experiments are FUN!

I've been at work developing my new instruments and sounds to use for productions and live performance. Des has been working in the studio more as well! It has been soooooo much fun! And I can't wait to share with you :-0
. .coming real soon. .


Travel Plans :-0

It is official!!
Des and I are going to Costa Rica at the end of February through the first week of March!
I'm pretty excited :-0
While we are down there we will be attending the Envision Festival in Dominical as well as jungle trekking, swimming in the ocean, lounging on a beach, staying at hostels, scoping volcanoes, visiting a sloth sanctuary, and much much more.
Oh me Oh my I'm excited.

climbing the walls of. . perfection
looking forward but without. . direction
reaching for more, trying not to. . subside
not only when i'm lost i must return. . inside

let us tell some stories here by the fire.
where we plan to go and why.
stories that we will make real with time.

love life.