
Are so busy these days.
It has been said before and again and again.
I tell you! We are choosing our busy lifestyles by pleasing our busy minds and playing their games.
Those things which tend to keep us so busy and caught up are not necessarily what we would like to be busy with. Much frustration is brought upon by our minds forming circles of thoughts and convincing us that they are the most important issue of our lives.
I tell you! It can stop.
Instead of thinking at all about what this person did that made you angry or how it definitely wasn't your fault that you were late or how much you wanted this outcome and not that one, let it go.
From the very start of those types of thought patterns!
Don't allow it.
Ripen the experience in your life by allowing life's experiences to happen without you holding on. How much could you have missed by mulling over what just happened in your head.
Ripen the state of your being by enforcing positivity.
Petty mind games of circles and badgering don't have to happen.
I tell you again! We have a choice.
No matter how much you feel like those pressing mental thoughts and images are important, they are not.
Know this.
The only reality is our experience right here, right now. All else is imaginary. Convince yourself of that.
Allow and accept all this life that is happening at this moment, and bring it in! Don't push it out by convincing yourself that you have more important issues to deal with.
We have much more time and energy when we are open to the new instead of meddling over the old.
I tell you! It is not important! Stop it!
Live free and open, now.

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