Summer Begins 05152013

Gettin uberstoked for this upcoming weekend :-) and the rest of the summer for that matter :-))

This weekend is Neon City and will be the first festival and outdoor performance of the year!! BOOM Much love to all the hardworking and innovative super humans of Montana.

Along with lots of new delicious music, a chai stand/teahouse is also in the works. . We are greatly looking forward to testing it out at Pirate Party and FairyTale this year, and hopefully some others as well.

Much excitement and also much to do on this end of the table. Feeling sooooo much love for all the lovely and special people who continue to pop up and become involved. Blessed so hard right now :-)

I am in continuous amazement at the way everything constantly works itself out as it does.

Continuing to raise the vibratory state, connecting with the Earth grid, and enhancing heart vibrations.

Living life, Self and everything else ( ((<3)) )

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